
As children of God, we were created to praise and worship Him. At Word Life Christian Fellowship, a significant part of our vision is to produce original music that leads people into the presence of God. In Psalm 16:11 we read, “In Your presence is fulness of joy; and at your right hand there are pleasures forevermore.” Music is a divinely ordained tool that transports us to this precious presence.

In this part of the ministry, we will work with different talents – singers, songwriters, music producers, etc. – to develop music that accomplishes this purpose. In Proverbs 18:16 we read, “A man’s gift makes room for him and brings him before great men.”. We read further in 1 Peter 4:10, “Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others.”

We have found that although many persons may have the gift of music, there is often not the outlet to express this gift; and as a result, the world is not blessed by the wonders that God can do when these gifts are released and activated. It is therefore a significant goal of our ministry to help musical artists to discover and develop their unique gifts and talents. In so doing, the body of Christ will be blessed and the Kingdom of God will be further established. Furthermore, as these gifts become evident, a necessary byproduct of this process is that greater opportunities will arise for the individuals to serve others with these gifts.

The first original song from our worship ministry is the theme song for our church, Your Word Changed My Life. It speaks of the transformation, the metamorphosis, that we experience as believers when we embrace the Word of God and see it activated in our lives. Check out the music video on this page and be blessed by the message.

If you’d like to learn more about this part of our ministry – or if you’d like to see how you might become involved – do connect with us. Reach out to us at our Contact page and we’d love to explore how you might help in the fulfillment of this part of the vision.

Come back to this page often to learn of the different music projects that we are developing. We strongly believe that God will breathe upon this praise and worship ministry to make a significant impact for His glory.