
It is our hope that you would consider joining us on Zoom for corporate worship on Sundays at 10 am EST.

Our services are designed to be a time where believers can share their faith together as they worship and are transformed by our great God. They are also evangelical in nature, encouraging non-believers to accept the life-changing free gift of salvation offered by our Lord Jesus Christ. We have insightful Bible-based teachings packed with tools to empower the congregants to live their everyday life successfully. 

In that spirit, we ask that in joining our meetings you agree to refrain from any disruptive behavior, respecting the lesson and those in attendance. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact our church office at (954) 775-0436 or info@wordlifecf.org. Our team would be happy to connect with you! 

We look forward to having you worship with us.
We pray that, as you do, you would be richly blessed by our Lord Jesus Christ!

By clicking to join our Zoom session you are agreeing to this code of conduct.

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Meeting ID: 815 4957 4093
Passcode: 1816210